


Sunday, May 12, 2013

I've been pondering on the blessings in my life...  

Here are a few of the great men in my life:  My Dad, my Husband, and my three Sons.  
I took this photo at my Daughter's soccer game last Saturday.  They were all there to support her, which is just one of the many reasons I love and appreciate them.

On Sunday, our family went on a walk in the desert behind our house after dinner.
It was one of those times I wanted to capture the feelings, the sounds, the smells, and the love I felt.  

This is the view our children had as we returned home from our walk in the desert.

Yesterday, I picked up my youngest son from school at lunch time.  
We came home and had a picnic in the back yard.   

After we ate our lunch, we laid on our backs and watched the clouds.  
We listened to the sounds of spring.  
We were joined by our neighbor's talkative cat, Loquacious.  
We giggled.  
It was a precious time with my little boy.