


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Todd's Eagle Court of Honor

Our 2nd son is an Eagle Scout!

There are now officially three Eagle Scouts in our immediate family: my husband, our oldest son, and now our second son.  The Court of Honor was held at the church, and we had lots of support from extended family and friends who have influenced Todd and helped him along his path to Eagle Scout.

My Dad came to support Todd on his special day.

Only about 5 percent of young men who join a Boy Scout troop achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.  I'm so proud of my Eagle Scout! 

To earn the Eagle Scout rank, the highest advancement rank in Scouting, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills.  Although many options are available to demonstrate proficiency in these areas, a number of specific skills are required to advance through the ranks – Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle.  To advance, a Boy Scout must pass specific tests that are organized by requirements and merit badges.

The fact that a young man is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as he enters higher education, business or industry, and community service.  The award is a performance-based achievement whose standards have been well-maintained over the years.