On April 12, 2014, I had the privilege of attending the marriage ceremony of my nephew, Greg, and his beautiful bride, Jade. They were married for time and all eternity in the Columbia River Temple. 

And lucky me! I got to view these two beautiful young people, in love, from behind the lens of my camera. Sooo much fun!
Greg's parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, Grandmother, and our family --
after the wedding on the temple grounds.
My beautiful niece, Shan, and her lovely family.
The groom with his siblings
A reception for the newlyweds was held at the LDS stake center pavilion following the temple ceremony.
The weather was perfect.
Food was delicious.
Music was lovely.
The love of friends and family was priceless.
Little guys
Grandma Bowers and Greg dancing at the reception
My own cute kiddos and my photo-bombing niece
Irresistible food
Congratulations, Greg and Jade!
May you have an eternity of happiness together.