The Quincy High School class of 1988 celebrated old friendships and remembered fun times from days gone by. We've grown a little older and a little wiser (and maybe a little wider?) There were 88 of us who graduated back in '88. About half of our graduating class
attended the reunion.
My dear friends from Primary and Seminary gathered Thursday for a family BBQ at Paul's condo at the Crescent Bar Resort. It was so great to see everyone! A highlight for me was seeing the children of my friends.
Friday night we had a casual gathering at a local bar and grill.
Saturday a few of us met up at the Quincy Aquatic Center, where our kids played in the water while we visited.
Saturday evening we had a catered outdoor dinner, followed by "awards" and dancing.

Carmen was one of my closest friends from Quincy. We met way back on the first day of 5th grade. I was sitting in the desk in front of her when she got her wrist pinched in her 3-ring binder and I helped her get it out. We sure had lots of fun together over the years. Our experiences cheerleading are especially memorable!

This pose was an attempt to imitate a picture from our senior Homecoming dance. The only one missing from this picture "re-make" was Trina, who was at her husband's 20-year class reunion Saturday night.

Carmen, Carol, Annette, Stephanie, and me!
We got pretty silly dancing together as the hour got later, especially when the DJ started playing our old songs (
ie: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!) Wow! Did we ever have fun in high school!

We got to see Trina and Brett Friday night and Saturday afternoon before they took off for Brett's reunion in Richland. As always, it felt like no time had passed since the last time we spoke. That's a unique and special friendship.

Carmen, Trina, and I had a wonderful time catching up and remembering the old days.