Tiffani's 8th Birthday -- February 6, 2009
We had a fun Birthday celebration for Tiffani on her 8th Birthday, and invited several of her friends to join us for homemade pizza, cupcakes and ice cream, games, and crafts. The s were so cute -- there was definitely a lot of excitement in our home for a few hours as they giggled and screamed and ran around having fun together! Tiffani wrote in her journal that night, "This was the best day of my life!"

Tiffani's Baptism-- Saturday, February 9, 2009
A day to remember...
Tiffani's baptism day was one of the best days of my life! She looked like an angel in her white dress. I felt like I could see eternity through her beautiful, blue eyes as she came out of the baptismal font. She is truly an amazing little with a heart of gold and a joyful spirit. She is one of my greatest blessings.

Brent and Beth and their cute family came for Tiffani's baptism. They, along with the Stapleton family, my parents, and David's parents, stayed for dinner afterward. We had a wonderful time together. I am so thankful for the support of my family and friends.
Tiffani's Baptism-- Saturday, February 9, 2009
A day to remember...
Tiffani's baptism day was one of the best days of my life! She looked like an angel in her white dress. I felt like I could see eternity through her beautiful, blue eyes as she came out of the baptismal font. She is truly an amazing little with a heart of gold and a joyful spirit. She is one of my greatest blessings.
During the baptismal program, my Mom played the piano and David's Mom was the chorister. I gave the talk about the Holy Ghost. Tyler baptized Tiffani. She told us a long time ago that she wanted her oldest brother to baptize her. She saw her cousin, Greg, baptize his little sister, Allison, a year ago. It made a big impression on her. It was a very sweet moment to see Tyler performing this sacred ordinance for his little sister. David gave Tiffani a beautiful blessing as her conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost upon her.
Wow Tiffani is 8 yrs old. I remember when we moved into the ward, you just had Tiffani and i was pregnant with Ian. Time goes by so fast.
Tiffani looked so pretty in her white dress.
Thanks for sharing all the picture with us.
Tiffani is such a beatiful girl. Loved all the pics and your descriptions of her baptism day!
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