


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunny Day in the Snow -- by Tiffani

On Monday we didn't have school so we went outside to enjoy the snowy weather one last time. The sky was soo vibrant blue and the snow glittered and sparkled in the sun. There was still a layer of ice over the powdery snow and in some places we could stand on the ice without breaking it! It was very magical.While we were sledding, a HUGE bird of prey soared really close overhead it was super duper awesome! Outside was very warm and the first thing I did when we got outside was take off my coat. I thought that it would be really fun to see if I could stand being outside for a while with my swimming suit on but my brothers chickened out as soon as I mentioned the idea. After we went back inside, I changed into my swimming suit and went back outside and my mom took some pictures of me. (shown above)

1 comment:

Darci said...

You are so cute Tiffani. Way to show up those brothers of yours ha ha! Cute swimsuit too:)