I am a planner. I make lists. I set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. I love checking things off when I complete them.
This morning, my plan was to go to the gym after seeing my husband off to work and my kids off to school. Going to the gym is therapy for me; I look forward to seeing friends there -- it's my social outlet; and the physical challenge of completing a workout is exhilarating to me. It gives me the energy I need to make it through the day. I love going to the gym.
But here's what happened instead of what I had planned:
My youngest son woke up "freezing cold" because I forgot to close his bedroom window before I went to bed last night, as I promised him I would do. I felt so bad for not following through on my commitment to my little guy! I asked him why he didn't close the window himself, or come to get me to help. He said he tried to close it in the middle of the night, but it was "too heavy" for him to close himself, and that he was "too freezing" to get out of bed to come and ask for help. So he didn't sleep well. Talk about a sad Mom moment! I gave him a big bear hug and told him I was so, so sorry. I made a quick decision about how to make restitution for my mistake: I asked him if I could make his very favorite breakfast. He brightened right up and agreed that hot waffles would be "awesome!"
I don't typically choose to make waffles on a weekday morning, because it takes a long time. And it messes up my kitchen. But cheering up my little boy and making him feel loved while showing him I was sorry for my mistake was worth the effort and the mess.
Next, my 7th grade daughter needed help with her hair, and wanted to talk about a challenge she is having at school. My husband and I have been praying for her to feel the love and the strength of the Lord as she faces this challenge. She is being so brave and I am proud of her. But it still hurts my heart to watch her struggle. She knows what she is doing is the right thing, but it is difficult to stand alone and have courage. I'm grateful for the time I was able to spend with her this morning, talking things over and nurturing her. She is a beautiful, strong girl, both inside and out. I am proud of her.
I didn't make it to the gym at the usual time this morning, as I had planned and wanted to do.
Instead, I have a messy kitchen.
And happy kids.
Because I chose to allow the Lord to direct my path through His promptings to do what I needed to do. His plan for me is always the best plan for me.
I feel confident that my efforts were focused on the most important things in the moments that mattered for my children to feel loved and cared for.
I am perfectly thankful and completely happy that things didn't go as I had planned this morning.
Because sometimes, when things don't go as planned, it ends up being a really great thing.
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