


Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunday picnic at the park

Our trip to Seattle for the BYU- U of W football game ended with a Sunday picnic at the park. We all went to church at the Stake Center next to the Bellevue LDS Temple Sunday morning, then enjoyed some good food and visiting at the park. It was another perfect day.

Do we look like sisters at all?

Trent was cracking me up with his funny faces and hand gestures. All these pictures are mostly the same, except for Trent's expressions. I love this crazy kid!

The little boys couldn't resist this tree -- they were beating it with sticks almost the entire time we were at the park.

1 comment:

Darci said...

This was such a fun weekend! I'm so glad you updated your blog! The pictures of Trent making all of those funny faces made me laugh. You have such a cute family:)